What We Do
What They Say...
``One Agent helped me feel that there is someone looking out for me while I was in a foreign country.``
Leah Duerr, Payoneer
`` It was an amazing experience and I was very lucky to stay at the apartment. I am never staying in a hotel again in Israel.``
Yair Tal, Payoneer
``It was great from the moment I was picked up at the airport.``
Julien Lederman, FeedVisor
``I highly recommend One Agent for all your needs. They even booked my Taxi to the airport and worked with the company on expenses.``
Terry Koh, IronSource
Up to 10 minutes walk from Rothchild offices
Simple as 1-2-3
- Tell us you arrival dates.
- We will refine your request.
- You will get 3-6 accurate options, leaving all mismatches out.